Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I have got my first task!!! Finally.. :D

I am very happy and very exited today because finally I got my first task in Blogvertise. Why I have to be happy? Yes of course, because this is my first time and I hope another tasks will coming soon. I am very exited with this first task because it is my starting point to reach another tasks. The reason is another tasks mean additional money..that's why I'm very happy and exited.

I'm still new person that now learning about making money as a blogger. I like to try many kinds of things. Blogger booming for me is one of the things that I have to try. Firstly, I just want to make sure that it really can gives some money. I have already read a lot of blogs that describe the ways to make money. now I'm trying and and hope it's really true :D

My friend said that I can create my opinion about something and share it on my blog. After that my descriptions will be reviewed and if I'm lucky, I will get some money. I'm still confuse about the reason and the way to do that, so now I'm trying..
There are many sites as like: Blogvertise, Smorty, etc as money maker.

As you know, my first experience with Blogvertise is make me happy and there's a smile in my face..but opposite from that situation, my first experience with Smorty is very make me sad. My blog is rejected by Smorty and I can not get tasks :(
Why? very simple reason, coz the rate of my blog is still not enough to get some tasks. I hope someday I can go back to Smorty and they gives me some tasks.


Agus Sanjaya said...

congratulations on your first assignments. here are what you can do to increase the value of your site:
1. posting regularly (2-3 articles a week)
2. get more traffic by blogwalking and leaving comments also links to your blog, but remember don't give any spam.
3. join traffic exchange such as blogmad, blogsoldiers or blogexplosion.
4. get as many as backlink as you can from other blogs, refer to my post in here

Unknown said...

Thanks ya Cak comment-nya :D
Btw, kl tukeran link itu maksudnya gmn sih? apa cukup dengan masih comment di blog lain, itu artinyaudah tukeran link? trs msh bingung jg ttg backlink. Mohon pencerahannya ya mr.master blogger :D

Unknown said...

Thanks ya Cak comment-nya :D
Btw, kl tukeran link itu maksudnya gmn sih? apa cukup dengan ngasih comment di blog lain, itu artinyaudah tukeran link? trs msh bingung jg ttg backlink. Mohon pencerahannya ya mr.master blogger :D

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