Sunday, February 17, 2008


Banyumas is a name of a city in Central Java. Based on the Javanese language, Banyumas means gold water, 'banyu' is water and 'mas' is gold. The location of this city is for about 1 hour from Purwokerto city, and 2 hour from Cilacap city.
My mother was born in this city, so until now, my father of my mother or my grandfather still have lived in this city. When I was a child, I always went to this city every time I got long holiday. So, I have familiar ed with the situation of this city, especially with the food :D
One of the most famous food from Banyumas is 'tempe mendoan' . For me, it is very delicious.. I like it so much!!! Another interesting food from Banyumas is 'soto Sokaraja'. Actually, Sokaraja is a name of a place near Banyumas. There was also another famous food from Sokaraja, that is 'getuk'.
A love all of those food, and I miss them so much right now :D

Enjoy delicious food, delicious places, delicious activities with Delicious Life.


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